Learning Center
Haíɫzaqvḷa Revitalization
Videos create a more engaging sensory experience than using print material. Learners get to see, hear and follow along. These videos are created as tutorials for all haíɫzaqv learners, no matter where they reside. W̓álas ǧiáxsix̌a to all the haíɫzaqv members for partaking in creating haíɫzaqvḷa resources and to Evan Gardner – “Where Are Your Keys” methodolgy.

Las msḷá / m̓ási mcɫus / lay̓ux̌v h̓íxp̓a
las msḷá ƛ̓ax̌vstús q̓váx̌alímás
láh̓á msḷánugva ƛ̓ax̌vstús q̓váx̌alímás

INLG lists Week 1
“Lists” is a WAYK – Where are your Keys? method of teaching vocabulary with ASL.

Las msḷá & las h̓íxp̓asús

Las hṃ́c̓áix̌sda ɫqílákv
-ix̌sda (want) questions and answers
Las hṃ́c̓áix̌sda ɫqílákv

Lay̓ai q̓úsʔit n̓úláyus / lay̓ai hṃgílá c̓áy̓áus
Lay̓ai q̓úsʔit n̓úláyus
láh̓á q̓úsʔit qs n̓úláya
k̓iá k̓úsi q̓úsʔit qs n̓úláya
Lay̓ai hṃgílá c̓áy̓áus ƛ̓áqvitxv
láh̓á hṃgílá qs c̓áy̓á ƛ̓áqvitxv
k̓iá k̓úsi hṃgílá qs c̓áy̓á ƛ̓áqvitxv

Lay̓ai hṃgílá
lay̓ai hṃgílá ƛ̓áqvitxv
láh̓á hṃgílái ƛ̓áqvitxv
k̓iá k̓úsi hṃgílá ƛ̓áqvitxv

Las hṃgíláxda (past tense questions and answers)
Las hṃgíláxda ƛ̓áqvitxv
láh̓á hṃgíláxdṇugva ƛ̓áqvitxv
k̓iá k̓úsxdnugva hṃgílá ƛ̓áqvitx

Lay̓ux̌v haíɫgḷíɫ
Lay̓ux̌v haíɫgḷíɫa
Make me say Yes:
láh̓á haíɫgḷíɫux̌v
k̓iá k̓úsux̌v haíɫgḷíɫ

m̓ím̓ásilaƛay̓ṇts / w̓ígíláƛay̓ṇts / w̓íláx̌vƛay̓ṇts
m̓ím̓ásilaƛay̓ṇts - what will we (inclusive) do?
w̓ígíláƛay̓ṇts - Where will we travel/go to?
w̓íláx̌vƛay̓ṇts - When will we....?

W̓íláx̌vƛas líta púy̓ás / h̓ágváiƛi láigauƛa
W̓íláx̌vƛas líta púy̓ás - When will you go look for púy̓ás
lítaƛṇúgva púy̓ás n̓x̌vai li m̓ṇ́c̓qíláƛ - I will look for púy̓ás when it is 1'clock.
h̓ágváiƛi láigauƛa - who will go with you
láigaƛ qs h̓búkva - my mom will come.

Las msḷá / m̓ási mcɫús
Las msḷá ƛ̓ax̌vstús h̓ábḷs
láh̓á msḷánugva ƛ̓ax̌vstús h̓ábḷs
k̓iá k̓úsnugva msḷá ƛ̓ax̌vstús h̓ábḷs
m̓ási mcɫús
msḷánugva tíx̌stus h̓ábḷs

Greetings & Third Person Question & answers
las h̓íxst̓áukva - are you well?
láh̓á huxvaṃnugva haíniqḷa h̓íxst̓áukv - I am earnestly trying to be well
qsu h̓uá las h̓íxst̓áukva- and you, are you well?
láh̓á h̓íxaṃnúgva - I am well.

Haíɫzaqvḷa TPR – q̓vúx̌vṃc̓uála / q̓vúq̓vx̌vc̓uás
q̓vúx̌vc̓ut - to put something (clothing) on.
láx̌ut- to take something off
líqva - to fold something
k̓ḷ́pa - to do laundry
qṇ́x̌a - to put on shoes/to kick

Backwards buildup – what, where, when, who
Backwards buildup of "who, what, where and when" questions in Haíɫzaqvḷa in the present, future (ƛ) and past tense (xd).

m̓ásilas la k̓vqḷáy̓ax̌v – What are you doing today?
"What are you doing today"
Asking and responding questions with the future tense (ƛ).
m̓ásila - to do what?
h̓ágva - who
w̓íláx̌v - when? what day?
w̓ígílá - traveling where?
w̓í - where

TPR qṇ Muílas “TPR for the Washroom”
Haíɫzaqvḷa TPR for muílas (washroom).
k̓ṇ́kánúgva qs s̓i̓áx̌

Las lákáƛ part 3
Asking and responding to questions using the we (exclusive) suffix (ṇtxv), the future tense(ƛ) and places in community.

Lay̓ṇts lákáƛ…..
Asking questions and responding using places in community, the future tense (ƛ) and the "ṇts" we (inclusive) suffix.
Gvúkva'áus Haíɫzaqv

Las lákáƛ pt2
Asking and responding to "láká" and the future tense (ƛ) with place names in community.

“Las lákáƛ” pt. 1
Questions and responses using "láká" and the future tense (ƛ).

Lay̓ṇts q̓úsʔit
Questions and responses using the Haíɫzaqv suffix "ṇts".
-ṇts "we (inclusive).

Lay̓ṇts hí:h̓ṃ́sa
Asking and answering questions using "ṇts" suffix.
-ṇts "we (inclusive)".

M̓ásila’ai Míliya Pítaya
What is Mary/Peter (who is not near) doing?

M̓ásila’aux̌v Míliya
"What is Mary doing?" using WAYK methodology.
-ux̌v is a suffix meaning "the one by you".

Lay̓aí q̓úsʔit Petaya
Questions and answers with "lay̓aí" and the "-i" suffix for "the one (over there)".

Lay̓ái ƛ̓iy̓álásila
-i suffix (he/she/it) near neither the speaker or listener.
The suffix "i" attaches to the verb or adjective.

lay̓ux̌v hṃ́sa
Questions and answers using the "ux̌v" suffix in Haíɫzaqvḷa
-ux̌v is a suffix used for he/she/it within close proximity of the speaker.
-ux̌v attaches right to verbs and adjectives.

Introductions – q̓ísq̓ du ǧáǧa̓ṃ́px̌v (Parents & grandparents)
Haíɫzaqvḷa introductions for Parents & grandparents.

Lists and Introductions in Haíɫzaqvḷa
Here are introductions in Haíɫzaqvḷa

Las túxvʔidíx̌sda du núgva
Using WAYK methodology to ask questions with the suffix "ix̌sda".
Las túxvʔidíx̌sda du núgva
Láh̓á túxvʔidíx̌sda núgva duqsú
k̓iá k̓úsnugva túxvʔidíx̌sda du qsú

Las hṃc̓íx̌sda du núgva
Using WAYK (Where are you Keys?) questions and answers using the suffix "ix̌sda".
Las hṃc̓íx̌sda du núgva
láh̓á hṃc̓íx̌sdanúgva duqsú

“ix̌sda” questions and answers
Questions and answers using the suffix "ix̌sda" in Haíɫzaqvḷa.

Past Tense (xd) Question & Answers
Here are some questions and answers using the past tense (xd).

Questions & answers using the future tense (ƛ).
Using WAYK (Where are your keys?) methodology for asking questions & responding using the future tense (ƛ).

Haíɫzaqvḷagḷíɫṇtxv- We are speaking Haiɫzaqvḷa
Example responses for - las h̓íxst̓áukva "are you well?"
Las h̓ík̓as k̓áɫa - Did you sleep well?
M̓ásilas - What are you doing?

h̓ákq̓áṃ m̓ás gi’íɫ la gvúkv – Everything around the House
Everything in the house.
Some Haíɫzaqvḷa (Heiltsuk Language) for in the kitchen.

H̓ígiɫa – to clean (part 3)
TPR Lesson in Haíɫzaqvḷa (Heiltsuk Language) with words for h̓ígiɫa (to clean).

H̓ígiɫa – to clean (part 2)
TPR (Total Physical Response) lesson in h̓ígiɫa (to clean) in Haíɫzaqvḷa

H̓ígiɫa – to clean (part 1)
TPR Lesson in h̓ígiɫa (to clean) in Haíɫzaqvḷa (Heiltsuk Language).

Greetings for parents & grandparents using WAYK Methodology
Using WAYK (Where are you Keys?) Methodology for greetings for parents and grandparents.
Disclaimer - English is backwards from Haíɫzaqvḷa so the ASL may not be correct to you
*Some hand motions are made up for words in our language.