H̓ḷagṃ̓iɫ - Frances D. Brown
Haíɫzaqvḷa (Iniatives Director)
H̓ḷágṃ̓iɫƛaṇugva, Gáqḷanugva la tx̌as W̓úyalitx̌v du Y̓ísdáitx̌v du Q̓vúqvay̓áitx̌v du X̌aíx̌aís
Láǧax̌náiyax̌xƛa qs h̓búkva, gáqḷa qs h̓búkva la tx̌as Q̓vúqvay̓áitx̌v du X̌aíx̌aís
Q̓ámasxƛa qs h̓úṃpa, gáqḷa qs h̓úṃpa la tx̌as W̓úyalitx̌v du Y̓ísdáitx̌v
Hḷagṃ̓iɫ known as Frances D. Brown is descendent of the Heiltsuk and Kitasoo tribes. Frances’s mother is Láǧax̌náiyax̌ known as Shirley Windsor (nee Mason) of the Qvúkva ̓áitx̌v du Xaíxais tribes. Frances’s late father is Q̓ámas known as Charlie Windsor, of the W̓úyálítx̌v du Y̓ísdáitx̌v tribes. Frances has spent over two decades revitalizing the Heiltsuk language and culture.
As the Language Revitalization Manager Frances is unwavering in her commitment to improving Haíɫzaqvḷa programs. She is a passionate community activist and has the ability to empower, motivate and inspire new learners to reach their potential. Through her supportive and thoughtful leadership Frances has promoted significant change in how revitalizing haíɫzaqvḷa is delivered. Her passion to learn new ways of teaching an Indigenous language has afforded exciting and engaging experiences for Frances both within and outside of Bella Bella. She has travelled, with other community members, to share and to learn from other’s experiences in revitalizing Indigenous languages in New Zealand, Squamish Nation, Japan, Ontario and Chase B.C. Frances also serves on First Peoples Cultural Council Advisory Committee (3 terms). The FPCC Advisory Committee acts as a bridge to First Nation’s communities and brings building community-based ideas and issues to the attention of FPCC and in turn advises the committee on FPCC programs research and advocacy.
Frances believes these sharing and learning opportunities will result in a strong foundation on which to build strong and vibrant language and cultural programs.
A firm believer in lifelong learning Frances has composed songs and choreographed traditional dances. She views this as an extension of her work over the past 22 years.
Her previous work experiences, gave her hands-on skills in planning and coordinating various programs. Frances also has experience in budget management, program implementation, and internal and external liaison.
Quote: Frances Brown translated by Evelyn Windsor & Elizabeth Brown
H̓íks w̓úw̓áx̌di núgva níɫtús qs haíɫzaqviga
’Qáq̓aístanugva ǧvi’lásas qṇts Umgíla qṇ qṇts kákaxíláƛi qṇts ǧvi’ílásax̌
I feel good inside and outside about being Heiltsuk. I am in search of our ways and laws of our ancestors, so I can uplift our ways and laws.
Building a solid foundation – Phyllis McKay
H̓ik qs w̓úw̓áx̌diy̓a gṇúgva gvu̓áƛṃ́t̓a du qs w̓aúkva
H̓áikváƛṇts n̓x̌vṇts gvu̓áƛṃ́t̓a
H̓áik̓álá w̓úw̓áx̌diy̓as haíɫzaqv gílí gvu̓áƛṃ́t̓a
It makes me feel good inside when I work cooperatively with my fellow man. Working together helps to build a strong relationship and brings harmony into our lives.